GETTING STARTED Quick Start Evento Server and Evento Framework
Evento Server
To start building a RECQ based Architecture you need a Message Gateway to handle and manage message communication between components (microservices). To do this we use Evento Server .
To start using Evento Server you need a Postgres Database and an instance of Evento Server that you can find on Docker Hub :
We have also prepared a simple docker-compose.yml to set up your development environment:
Copy version : '3.3'
services :
evento-db :
image : 'postgres:latest'
restart : always
environment :
- POSTGRES_DB=evento
volumes :
- ./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
evento-server :
image : 'eventoframework/evento-server:latest'
privileged : true
restart : on-failure
depends_on :
- evento-db
environment :
# Cluster name visualized on the GUI
- evento_cluster_name=evento-server
# Capture rate for internal telemetry
- evento_performance_capture_rate=1
# Telemetry data TTL
- evento_telemetry_ttl=365
# Upload directory for Bundle Registration
- evento_file_upload-dir=/server_upload
# Secret key used to generate JWT access tokens
- evento_security_signing_key=MY_JWT_SECRET_TOKEN_SEED
# Evento Deploy Spawn Script Path
- evento_deploy_spawn_script=/script/
# Postgres Database Connection Parameters
- spring_datasource_url=jdbc:postgresql://evento-db:5432/evento
- spring_datasource_username=postgres
- spring_datasource_password=secret
ports :
- '3000:3000'
- '3030:3030'
volumes :
- ./data/evento/files:/server_upload
- ./
You need to specify a Script for the automatic bundle deployment, add an empty Python script and bind it, it will be fine at the start.
Evento Framework
To develop RECQ components you need the Evento Framework Bundle Library.
Evento Framework is compatible with Java 21 or more.
You can find the library on Maven Central :
Copy implementation group: 'com.eventoframework', name: 'evento-bundle', version: 'ev1.10.0'
Copy < dependency >
< groupId >com.eventoframework</ groupId >
< artifactId >evento-bundle</ artifactId >
< version >ev1.10.0</ version >
</ dependency >
Evento framework is independent of any other structured known framework like Spring , Micronaut or Quarkus , so you can implement a RECQ application using your preferred technology even plain JavaEE .
Tu understands how to use properly Evento Server and Evento Framework we suggest you follow our Tutorial in the next chapter.
Last updated 5 months ago