
In the realm of CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), projections play a crucial role in defining the read model for your application. This chapter explores the @Projection annotation within Evento and delves into how it's used to create projections that serve as the source of data for queries.

Understanding Projections

The @Projection annotation marks a class as a projection within your Evento application. Projections are responsible for one and only task:

  1. Query Handling: Projections handle queries by retrieving data from the projection state stored in the database and transforming it into a format suitable for the query response.

public @interface Projection {

Here's a breakdown of the @Projection annotation:

  • @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME): This ensures that the annotation information is retained at runtime, allowing Evento to access it during application execution.

  • @Target(ElementType.TYPE): This specifies that the annotation can only be applied to class declarations.

  • @Component: This indicates that the annotated class is a component within the Evento framework.

How Projections Work

Projections leverage the @QueryHandler annotation to define methods that handle incoming queries. These query handler methods typically follow this pattern:

  1. Query Reception: The query handler method receives a specific query object as input.

  2. Data Retrieval: The method retrieves relevant data from the projection state stored in the database. This might involve querying a repository or accessing cached data.

  3. Data Transformation (Optional): Depending on the query requirements, the retrieved data might need to be transformed or enriched before returning it as part of the response.

  4. Query Response Construction: The method constructs a response object containing the data retrieved and transformed as needed.

Example: Projection in Action:

public class DemoProjection {

    private final DemoRepository repository;

    public DemoProjection(DemoRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    Single<DemoView> query(DemoViewFindByIdQuery query, QueryMessage<DemoViewFindByIdQuery> queryMessage) {
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "BEGIN");
        var result = repository.findById(query.getDemoId())
                .filter(d -> d.getDeletedAt() == null)
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "END");
        return Single.of(result);

    Multiple<DemoView> query(DemoViewFindAllQuery query) {
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "BEGIN");
        var result = repository.findAll().stream()
                .filter(d -> d.getDeletedAt() == null)
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "END");
        return Multiple.of(result);

    Single<DemoRichView> queryRich(DemoRichViewFindByIdQuery query) {
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "BEGIN");
        var result = repository.findById(query.getDemoId())
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "END");
        return Single.of(result);

    Multiple<DemoRichView> queryRich(DemoRichViewFindAllQuery query) {
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "BEGIN");
        var result = repository.findAll().stream().map(Demo::toDemoRichView).toList();
        Utils.logMethodFlow(this, "query", query, "END");
        return Multiple.of(result);

The provided code example showcases a DemoProjection class:

  • The class is annotated with @Projection, indicating it's a projection.

  • It has a constructor that injects a DemoRepository dependency.

  • It defines four @QueryHandler methods:

    • Two methods handle DemoViewFindByIdQuery and DemoViewFindAllQuery for retrieving basic DemoView objects.

    • Two other methods handle DemoRichViewFindByIdQuery and DemoRichViewFindAllQuery for retrieving richer DemoRichView objects.

  • Each query handler method retrieves data from the DemoRepository based on the query type, applies any necessary transformations, and constructs the corresponding response object (either Single or Multiple depending on the query type).

Key Points:

  • Projections serve as the bridge between the domain events (representing the write model) and the queryable data (the read model).

  • @QueryHandler methods within projections are responsible for handling queries and constructing appropriate responses.

  • Projections play a vital role in ensuring efficient retrieval of data for queries within a CQRS architecture.

In the next chapter, we'll explore the concept of projectors and how they work in tandem with projections to maintain a consistent read model.

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