
A Deep Dive into Custom Tracing with Sentry

The code provided showcases SentryTracingAgent, a custom implementation of the TracingAgent class in Evento. This agent leverages the Sentry platform for distributed tracing, offering a more comprehensive tracing solution compared to the default implementation. Let's delve into how SentryTracingAgent works and overrides core methods.

import io.sentry.*;
import io.sentry.exception.InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException;
import com.evento.application.performance.TracingAgent;
import com.evento.application.performance.Track;
import com.evento.common.modeling.messaging.message.application.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;

import static io.sentry.BaggageHeader.BAGGAGE_HEADER;
import static io.sentry.SentryTraceHeader.SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER;

public class SentryTracingAgent extends TracingAgent {

    public SentryTracingAgent(String bundleId, long bundleVersion, String sentryDns) {
        super(bundleId, bundleVersion);
        Sentry.init(options -> {

    protected <T> T doTrack(Message<?> message, String component,
                            Track trackingAnnotation,
                            Transaction<T> transaction) throws Exception {
        if (message == null) return;
        var metadata = message.getMetadata();
        if (metadata == null) {
            metadata = new Metadata();
        ITransaction t;
        var action = switch (message) {
            case CommandMessage<?> ignored -> "handleCommand";
            case QueryMessage<?>  ignored -> "handleQuery";
            case EventMessage<?>  ignored -> "onEvent";
            case InvocationMessage i -> i.getAction();
            default -> "invoke";
        if (metadata.containsKey(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER)) {
            try {
                t = Sentry.startTransaction(
                                component + "." + action + "(" + message.getPayloadName() + ")",
                                new SentryTraceHeader(
            } catch (InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException e) {

        } else {
            if (trackingAnnotation != null) {

                t = Sentry.startTransaction(
                        component + "." + action + "(" + message.getPayloadName() + ")",
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (e.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException re) {
                                Stream.of(new RuntimeException().getStackTrace())
                        throw re;
                    throw e;

        metadata.put(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER, t.toSentryTrace().getValue());
        var b = t.toBaggageHeader(List.of());
        if (b != null)
            metadata.put(BAGGAGE_HEADER, b.getValue());
        t.setData("Description", t.getName() + " - " + getBundleId() + "@" + getBundleVersion());
        t.setTag("message", message.getPayloadName());
        t.setTag("component", component);
        t.setTag("bundle", getBundleId());
        t.setTag("bundleVersion", String.valueOf(getBundleVersion()));
        if (message instanceof DomainCommandMessage cm) {
            t.setData("AggregateId", cm.getAggregateId());
        try {
            var resp =;
            if (resp instanceof CompletableFuture<?> c) {
                resp = (T) c.thenApply(o -> {
                    return o;
                }).exceptionally(tr -> {
                    t.setData("Payload", message.getSerializedPayload().getSerializedObject());
                    throw new CompletionException(tr);
            } else {
            return resp;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
            t.setData("Pyload", message.getSerializedPayload().getSerializedObject());
            throw tr;

    public Metadata correlate(Metadata metadata, Message<?> handledMessage) {
        if (handledMessage == null)
            return metadata;
        if (handledMessage.getMetadata() != null && handledMessage.getMetadata().containsKey(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER)) {
            if (metadata == null) {
                metadata = new Metadata();
            metadata.put(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER, handledMessage.getMetadata().get(SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER));
        if (handledMessage.getMetadata() != null && handledMessage.getMetadata().containsKey(BAGGAGE_HEADER)) {
            if (metadata == null) {
                metadata = new Metadata();
            metadata.put(BAGGAGE_HEADER, handledMessage.getMetadata().get(BAGGAGE_HEADER));
        return metadata;


Initialization with Sentry DSN:

The constructor accepts the bundle ID, version, and a crucial parameter - sentryDns. This DSN (Data Source Name) is used to configure the Sentry SDK for communication with your Sentry instance.

Overridden doTrack Method:

This method is the heart of the tracing functionality. Here's a breakdown of its behavior:

  1. Message and Metadata Check: It first checks if a message is provided. If not, the transaction is executed without tracing. It then retrieves the message's metadata for further processing.

  2. Transaction Initiation:

    • The code utilizes a switch statement to identify the message type (command, query, event, or invocation) based on the message class.

    • Depending on the message type and the presence of a SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER in the metadata, it initiates a new transaction using the Sentry SDK.

      • If the header exists, it attempts to create a transaction from the provided trace information.

      • In its absence, it creates a new transaction with a descriptive name based on the message type, component, and payload name. The @Track annotation presence also influences transaction creation.

  3. Metadata Enrichment:

    • The SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER and, optionally, the BAGGAGE_HEADER are added to the message's metadata for propagation across services.

    • Additional data is attached to the transaction using Sentry's setData and setTag methods. This data includes information about the bundle, message, and component involved.

    • For DomainCommandMessage objects, the AggregateId is also captured.

  4. Transaction Completion and Error Handling:

    • The actual transaction logic is wrapped within a try-catch block.

    • For successful completions, the transaction is marked as finished with SpanStatus.OK.

    • If an exception occurs:

      • The exception is set on the transaction using setThrowable.

      • The message payload is captured as transaction data using setData("Payload", message.getSerializedPayload().getSerializedObject()).

      • The transaction is marked as finished with SpanStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR.

      • The exception is captured by Sentry using Sentry.captureException.

      • The trace ID is printed for debugging purposes.

      • The exception is then re-thrown.

    • The CompletableFuture scenario is handled specifically. The returned CompletableFuture is transformed to capture the successful result or any exceptions that might occur asynchronously. In case of exceptions, the transaction is finalized with appropriate status and the exception is re-thrown as a CompletionException.

Overridden correlate Method:

This method extracts the SENTRY_TRACE_HEADER and BAGGAGE_HEADER (if present) from the provided handledMessage and merges them into the existing metadata. This ensures proper context propagation between messages.

Key Advantages of SentryTracingAgent:

  • Integration with Sentry: Leverages the feature-rich Sentry platform for distributed tracing, providing valuable insights into application behavior across services.

  • Enhanced Correlation: Extracts trace and baggage headers from messages for improved context propagation.

  • Detailed Spans: Captures message type, component, bundle information, and payload data within Sentry spans.

  • Error Handling and Reporting: Captures exceptions and message payloads for better error analysis within Sentry.

In essence, SentryTracingAgent empowers developers with a powerful tool for distributed tracing within Evento applications. By leveraging Sentry's capabilities, you gain a deeper understanding of how your application functions, identify performance bottlenecks, and effectively troubleshoot issues.

Last updated